
名稱 | 內容說明 |
大框 | 簡言之就是酒店客人把看中意的酒店小姐,一整天上班的時段都買下來,也就是10小時共60節,小姐只需要整天陪大框的客人即可。 |
小框 | 原則上酒店小姐坐檯是10分鐘為一節,台灣酒店的小框行情是最少買4小時共24節,小姐只需要該時段內陪小框的客人。 |
回框 | 在酒店內會有小姐公檯,目的就是希望客人可以挑選小姐點框坐檯,同時也會顧及酒客先來後到的公平性,會先詢問原坐檯的客人是否選好小姐,若客人未決定會不願意框的話,就會將小姐轉檯到願意出高價的後桌。 |
點框 | 台灣大多數酒店都有規定,只要酒店小姐在某桌坐滿一小時,其他桌酒客是不能點該名小姐,除非該桌客人主動換小姐,若客人還想再找原先坐檯的小姐則必須點框之外,再加小框買4小時坐檯。 |
框到底 | 酒店有規定午夜消費時段,是不能買酒店小姐小框的,必須框到底,也就是12點以後的坐檯至少要6小時。 |
解框 | 簡言之就是客人本來挑選好小姐,不過可能是表現不佳或讓客人不滿意而反悔不框,故稱為解框。 |
Phrase | Explanation |
Long-term Stay | In short terms, the customer purchases the mistress’whole working hour of that day, in total 10 hours, 60 sections. The mistress only has to accompany the customerwho purchase her long-term stay till the nightclub closes. |
Short-term Stay | In general, the mistress’ 10 minutes service is counted as “one section”. And the short-term stay means at leastfour hours, 24 sections in total. During the short-termstay, the mistress only has to accompany the customer whopurchase her short-term stay till the time is over. |
Shifting Table | The shifting strategy aims to let customers choose themistress based on the fairness and the order of coming.The manager will ask the former customer if he wants themistress to stay, if he hasn’t made up his mind, themanager will shift the mistress to the later customerwho would pay higher. |
Call on | Most Taiwan nightclubs has a rule; once the mistress stayat a certain table for more an hour, the other customerscan’t order that mistress unless the former customer asksto shift another mistress first. If the former customerstill wants the previous mistress back, he has to call onher and purchase short-term stay for four more hours. |
Throughout Stay | Taiwan nightclubs have a rule that the customers can’tjust purchase short-term stay during midnight hours;they have to purchase the throughout stay, which means at least 6 hours after 12 am. |
Cancel | In short terms, the customer has chosen a mistress, buther behavior might be so disappointing that the customerregret and cancel the stay. This is called Cancel. |