

A tassel is a finishing feature in fabric and clothing decoration. It is a universal ornament that is seen in varying versions in many cultures around the globe.
流蘇樹的英文是:Fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus 或 Chionanthus retusus)
Chionanthus retusus is a deciduous tree up to 3-4m high. Leaves are orbicular to elliptic, varying greatly in size. Flowers are in umbellate cymes. Calyx and corolla are deeply 4-lobed. The drupe is ellipsoid with 1 seed. The plant grows at steep slopes of Linko Terrace.
流蘇樹,又稱流疏樹、茶葉樹、四月雪,是木樨科流蘇樹屬的植物,分佈於中國大陸、台灣、韓國、日本。花白色,是良好的庭園觀賞植物。木材堅重細緻,質地優良,多用以製作算盤或器具等;嫩葉可當茶葉作飲料,果實含油豐富,可榨油,供工業用。 形態特徵:落葉灌木或小喬木,株高可達6公尺以上,幼枝有毛。