看到 ExplainThis.io 分享的貼文,覺得好像應該來想一想:如何提升對產品的敏銳度。
1. 深入了解用戶需求
- 與用戶接觸:直接與目標用戶交流,參與用戶調研或觀察用戶如何使用產品,了解他們的痛點和期望。
- 分析數據:學習解讀使用數據,像是使用量、跳出率、用戶反饋等,掌握產品的現實表現。
- 體驗產品:作為用戶親自使用產品,感受功能是否順暢、設計是否直觀。
2. 保持用戶思維
- 問題導向思考:不僅關注技術實現,還要思考「這個功能對用戶有什麼價值?」
- 簡化複雜性:善於發現哪些技術可以簡化用戶的流程,提升用戶體驗。
- 關注細節:像用戶在首次使用時的教學設計、錯誤提示的清晰度等,往往是區分優秀產品的關鍵。
3. 觀察市場與競爭對手
- 研究競爭對手:體驗競品,了解他們的優劣勢,並找出自家產品的差異化。
- 關注行業趨勢:保持對行業新技術、新需求的敏感度,培養對市場需求的理解力。
- 全局視角:從系統層面思考,平衡性能、成本、時間等多方面的需求。
- 學習新舊技術:了解設計原則和用戶體驗知識還有程式相關技術,有助於在開發過程中避免技術與設計的脫節。
4. 持續反思與迭代
- 檢討過去的項目:回顧過去的產品開發經驗,分析哪些部分可以優化。
- 主動收集反饋:從團隊、用戶和市場的反饋中學習,調整自己的開發方式和思維。
問對問題可以有效提升思考能力,假如你對該問哪些產品問題沒有頭緒,Julie Zhuo 分享在接受產品指標前,有8個推薦問的問題,聽說前4個問題很重要。
在開發上提出的問題,也可以參考:Elon’s five-step process 五步驟工程方法論
ExplainThis.io 分享的貼文傳送門:
Julie Zhuo 英語原文傳送門:
The goals you agree to determine what you build. So consider them carefully and ask the following:
- 1: 對使用我們產品的客戶來說,最理想的結果是什麼?
If we were wildly successful this half, what’s the ideal outcome for customers using our product?- The point of target metrics is to keep ourselves accountable to doing our best for customers, and in turn, the business.
- Any metric will be a proxy; THIS is the real goal.
- 2: 在什麼情況下,我們會更接近理想結果,但卻對指標沒幫助?
In what scenarios would we get closer to our ideal outcome but not make progress on our goal metric(s)?- If you can come up with tons of examples, you need to pick better proxy metrics.
- A few metrics typically work better than a single metric as a proxy for success.
- 3: 在什麼情況下,我們達到了指標,但實際上卻離理想結果越來越遠?
In what scenarios would we hit our goal metrics but actually be getting further from our ideal outcome?- If you can come up with many examples, consider setting counter metrics that you must hold steady or improve as you pursue your goal metrics.
- 4: 如果我們達到指標,對公司營運會有實質影響嗎?
Will it materially matter to our business if we hit our goal metrics?- If the answer is no, consider if your team’s time is better spent working on something else.
- 5: Can you share your goal metrics with someone on the team, wait 15 min, then have them repeat them back to you?
- I call this the “Alignment test.” If your goal metrics are so complicated or numerous that they can’t be remembered, they won’t impact daily product decisions.
- 6: If we launched absolutely nothing this half, where would we expect to land on our goal metrics?
- Know your forecast. Sometimes you’ll face headwinds and other times, tailwinds. What you goal your team’s work on should be on top of that.
- 7: Are our goal metrics sensitive enough to give us feedback on individual launches?
- A short feedback loop = more operational efficiency. While slow-moving, lagging metrics may be better long-term proxies for success, goal metrics should also help you make daily decisions.
- 8: What % confidence do we have that we will hit our goals?
- Good metric goal targets should be realistic yet aspirational. Shoot for between 50-50 and 70-30.