美國明尼蘇達州(Minnesota)在 2016-07-06日傍晚發生警察無故槍殺黑人市民事件。32歲的黑人男子費蘭多.卡斯提(Philando Castile)與女友萊薇希.雷諾斯(Lavish Reynolds)開車駛經拉本圖大道(Larpenteur Avenue)時,警察將他們攔下,告知他們的尾燈壞掉,要求臨檢。在費蘭多伸手拿駕照和行照時,警員竟無故朝他開了4槍,費蘭多的白色上衣沾滿鮮血,當場死亡,萊薇希的4歲女兒在後座目睹這件悲劇的整個過程。
Facebook video:
Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNCbgJ55jQY

不舒服的警語,Facebook 是用:
This video contains graphic content and my be upsetting to some people
- graphic,寫實的;現場的;
- upset 使心煩意亂;使難過;使失望;;使沮喪;
有些媒體是用:This video contains some disturbing images.
- disturbing, 令人不安的
“Police shot him for no apparent reason, no reason at all,” said Reynolds.
A firearm is a portable gun, being a barreled weapon that launches one or more projectiles often driven by the action of an explosive force.
In the video, Lavish Reynolds says to Philando Castile, “Stay with me… We got pulled over for a busted taillight in the back.” She also said in the video that police asked Castile, the driver, for his license and registration and, as he reached for it, he told officers that he had a firearm and a concealed carry permit. The officer then shot him, she said.
上傳到facebook 影片一開始被臉書刪了,後來女主角又再上傳一次,到目前2016-07-09 已有 5.4百萬人看過該影片,在youtube 的那一個版本有1萬百人次看過,臉書執行長祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)7日在臉書個人帳號貼文表示哀悼,他說這是數百萬民眾每天生活在恐懼中的寫照: