轉貼:We didn’t see this coming
世界正在進行中的 9 個驚奇的點。
In this year’s annual letter, we’re highlighting nine more things that have surprised us along this journey.
Africa is the youngest continent
Africa is the youngest continent
At-home DNA tests can find serial killers—and could also help prevent premature birth.
利用基因家譜檢測技術 (At-home DNA tests) 幫助孕婦提早準備應對早產。很多嬰兒死於早產,或早產可能帶來後續不少問題。蓋茲他們贊助的研究機構 23andMe 發現早產跟身體六個基因可能有關。知道孕婦有沒有這幾個基因,就能事先知道早產的可能性,提前做一些準備。
When police used genetic test results to catch the Golden State Killer last year, the story made headlines around the world. But it’s not the only discovery to come out of at-home DNA tests. By looking at more than 40,000 samples voluntarily submitted by 23andMe users, scientists discovered a potential link between preterm labor and six genes—including one that regulates how the body uses a mineral called selenium.
Golden State Killer:
We will build an entire New York City every month
<規模> 這本書也有講到這個例子,都市化還在快速進行中,中國政府也規劃了幾百個未來都市。這過程中會排放很多溫室氣體(要蓋房子等等)溫室氣體的問題是蓋茲一直以來關注的重點。

蓋茲給了一張圖說現在溫室氣體的組成(電力 25% 農業 24% 製造 21% 交通 14% 建築 6%) 蓋茲在一場 TED 有講到要防止全球暖化只能讓二氧化碳這些溫室氣體排放量降到 0。但要我們停止上面這些活動簡直不實際,只能從這五大排放來源去做科技上的突破,試圖使排放量下降。
- Electricity 電力
- Agriculture 農業
- Manufacturing 製造
- Transportation 交通
- Buildings 建築
Manufacturing isn’t the only big emitter. Agriculture accounts for 24 percent of greenhouse gases. That includes cattle, which give off methane when they belch and pass gas.
Part of the solution is to invest in innovation in all five sectors so we can do these things without destroying the climate. We need breakthrough inventions in each of the grand challenges.
The grand challenges of climate change
Data can be sexist.
How much more time do girls spend on chores than boys do?
Melinda Gates: Data can be sexist
You can learn a lot about processing your anger from teenage boys.
Melinda: Two autumns ago, Bill and I spent an afternoon at a Georgia state prison. We were there to learn more about the link between poverty and mass incarceration.
BAM helps young men in neighborhoods with a lot of crime and gang activity explore their emotions and hone their decision-making skills. It’s drawn a lot of attention for its success: A study by the University of Chicago found that BAM reduces its participants’ violent crime arrests by almost half.
附註:文章中的 BAM(Becoming a Man) group 是指
An evaluation of Youth Guidance’s Becoming a Man (BAM) program found that the program significantly reduced violent crime while high-school graduations rose sharply among program participants.
There’s a nationalist case for globalism.
Countries like the U.S. invest in foreign aid because it makes the world more stable and secure.
When was the modern flush toilet patented?
Last year (2018) we organized a toilet fair in Beijing, where I got to check out a number of next-gen toilets in person and even shared the stage with a beaker of human feces.
Textbooks are becoming obsolete.
很驚訝蓋茲今年寫這點,畢竟翻轉教育已經翻了好幾年了。蓋茲說許多人透過網路學習的效果更佳且費用更低。現在很多學生年紀超過 25 歲,他們有工作、家庭,不太可能配了一般的課堂教育,網路學習非常方便。
Software is finally changing how students learn.
Mobile phones are most powerful in the hands of the poorest women.
Mobile phones give women the power to build an entire new life.
Melinda: In rich countries, mobile phones make it easier to do things we were already doing—send email instead of snail mail, navigate the world without wrestling with a map, hail a ride without standing outside in the rain. But for the world’s most marginalized women, a mobile phone doesn’t just make their old life more convenient; it can help them build an entirely new life. That’s because connectivity is a solution to marginalization.
If you’re a woman who has never stepped into a bank, mobile banking offers you a foothold in the formal economy and a chance at financial independence. If you’re expected to do all the cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing, your income potential improves dramatically as you gain opportunities to connect with customers, trainings, and professional organizations—all from your home. If you’re worried about the stigma you’ll encounter when you ask for contraceptives at your local clinic, an e-commerce delivery platform can help you reassert control over your body and your future.
In other words, women are not only using their mobile phones to access services and opportunities. They’re using them to change social norms and challenge the power structures that perpetuate gender inequality.
When we’re feeling overwhelmed by negative headlines, we remind ourselves that none of us has the right to sit back and expect that the world is going to keep getting better. We have a responsibility to do everything we can to push it in that direction.