希雅 Sia / 最強大 The Greatest


這首The greatest是Sia為了悼念2016年6月12日美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多夜店槍擊案所作的歌,因為地點是同性戀酒吧,所以開場的Maddie Ziegler流下彩虹眼淚,便是向這起恐怖攻擊的罹難者致敬,除此外,整場MV共有49位舞者,代表了49位遇難的人。


如果要取得mp3, 使用下面的版本會比較好,可以少掉自己手動剪掉前面 1分 15秒,還有最後面的一小段。
Sia – The Greatest (Lyrics)

Sia – The Greatest (Audio) ft. Kendrick Lamar

Sia – The Greatest ( cover by J.Fla )

 uh oh 
running out of breath but i
oh i i got stamina
uh oh
running now i close my eyes
but oh oh i got stamina
uh oh
i see another mountain to climb
but i i got stamina
uh oh
i need another lover be mine
cos i i got stamina
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
i'm free to be the greatest i'm alive
i'm free to be the greatest here tonight
the greatest the greatest the greatest alive
the greatest the greatest alive
uh oh
running out of breath but i
oh i i got stamina
uh oh
running now i close my eyes
but oh oh i got stamina
oh yeah
running through the waves of love
oh i i got stamina
oh yeah
i'm running and i've just enough
oh i i got stamina
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
i'm free to be the greatest i'm alive
i'm free to be the greatest here tonight
the greatest the greatest the greatest alive
the greatest the greatest alive
(oh, oh i've got stamina
oh, oh i've got stamina X2)
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no no no
i'm free to be the greatest i'm alive
i'm free to be the greatest here tonight
the greatest the greatest the greatest alive
the greatest the greatest alive



  • I got stamina 我會頑強地搏鬥,SONY 台灣官方的翻譯是:「我有超強韌性」
  • stamina 耐力


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